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Texas driver’s licenses and medical directives

Drivers License

Have you looked at the back of your Texas Driver’s License lately? No? Go ahead and get it out of your wallet. I’ll wait . . .

See those first two boxes? In an emergency, first responders can look at the back of your license to get critical information. You can check those two boxes. Then, under the “RESTRICTIONS” section, you can use a fine-tip, permanent marker to write the name(s) and phone number(s) of your Medical Power of Attorney Agent(s). This will let paramedics and doctors know that you have a Medical Directive and that your agent(s) should have a copy. For example, if you are incapacitated but have specific wishes per your religion that you would like to have communicated, the doctors can contact your agent(s).

A Combination Medical Directive to Physicians, Medical Power of Attorney, and HIPAA Release are just a few of the many helpful documents that we will craft for you as a part of your comprehensive estate plan. Please, make an appointment with us today so that we can ensure that all of your wishes are properly documented and communicated.

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